I looked out the window to the back yard this morning and saw this VERY large rabbit hopping around. He was enjoying breakfast. By the looks of him, he doesn't miss many! I tried to get a photo of him but he was moving way too much for that. Finally he just plopped down, I guess to rest a bit. I just thought he looked so adorable and cuddly. It almost looks like he was staring right at me!
There is something so exciting in seeing nature( no matter how small) in our backyard.
Thank You for your comment on my blog. I started following your blog
What a cool picture. Would make a great card if you could have gotten a close up. Don't see that by us, just racoons. bummer
Hi Patty, thanks for dropping by recently to my blog.
I hope you'll share your rabbit and other animals or plant spottings in Project Noah, where I'm also an avid sharer..
You will know more about what project noah is about here http://cherrey.110mb.com/index.php/project-noah-re-living-a-childhood-hobby/
Please tell me if you've joined so that I could follow you and see your animal/plant sightings!
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